Robert Yates, founder and first chairman of the L.C.A. of GB. It was his energy and organisational skills which provided a sound framework for the Association which has stood the test of time. The Founders Trophy – presented by Robert Yates – is the Associations premier trophy and it is awarded for the Best Lizard Canary in Show at the LCA Classic

John Scott along with his father was one of the founding members of the LCA. His birds were bred from a continuous line from 1935. John was always promoting the Lizard and to keeping the bloodlines pure. John held various posts with the LCA and was Chairman for over ten years and then from 1988, president until his death in 2012.

Arthur Grindey was the ring steward for a number of years and a member of the Council of Management for many years before moving to Devon. Arthur was a keen supporter of the major shows and during the eighties was one of the top breeders and judges, which included many wins including the Lizard Section of the English National with a broken capped gold cock.

Keith and Audrey Knighton, won the “Classic” once and the Lizard section of the English National three times. Audrey was famous for getting the youngsters steady by patience and hand fed rice krispies.

Albert Durrell, one of the founders of the EALCA in the 1970’s and won the Lizard section of the National Exhibition four times. Albert had a reputation for quality Lizard canaries which were always admired whenever shown.

Gordon Plumb was vice president of the LCA, but had worked for many years as publicity officer and was one of the founder members of the EALCA. Gordon had won the award for Best Lizard at the 1974 National Exhibition. Also Gordon, at the age of 31, was the youngest person to judge the Lizard section at the National Exhibition.

Fred Snelling, also known as the Lizard Wizard for his eight wins in the Lizard Section of the English National. Fred was also one of the pioneers of the Lizard revival in the 1950’s & 60’s and held the post of Secretary after GT Dodwell. Fred was also a regular contributor of articles to bird journals.

Len Wood was a contemporary of Fred Snelling and Eric Southwick. He was twice winner of the Lizard section of the English National and a well respected judge.

Ray Lee was Vice Chairman of the LCA for many years and Ray was also a prominent Judge and exhibitor, but probably his greatest claim was that in the seventies he was the author of a small book dedicated to the keeping, breeding, and exhibiting of Lizard canaries. It was packed full of useful tips.

Miss O Branch was a regular exhibitor and twice winner of the Lizard section of the English National in the 1950’s and an active committee member.

Stan Insall was a keen exhibitor of the Lizard for many years and won the Lizard section of the English, Scottish and Welsh Nationals. He is probably the only Lizard man to win all three in the same year. Stan was also well known for his Stewarding skills.

Fred Snelling with other Lizard Canary Fanciers taken at another successful show.

M Ross from Doncaster was a successful exhibitor of Lizards and Crest’s. He is shown here with some of the winning birds and cups.

Eric Southwick was a contemporary and friend of Fred Snelling – from whom he obtained his first Lizards – and was twice winner of the Lizard Section of the English National. Eric was a keen judge and Honorary Life Member.

R Nash was a keen exhibitor and is seen here mixing softfood in his birdroom.

John Rukin, a judge and exhibitor of the Lizard canary and leading member of the Lancashire and Lizard Canary Club in the early 1900’s. He is seen here with some of his birds and his family.

AW Smith a leading judge and long time president of the Association, seen here with his wife who was also stewarding. AW Smith was one of the fanciers who came to the rescue of the Lizard in those dark post war days.
Photograph’s reproduced by kind permission of Joe Coakley and Cage & Aviary Birds