New Members

The Lizard Canary Association (LCA) was formed in 1945, the first national society to cater for the world’s oldest breed of canary. The minutes of the inaugural meeting confirmed that its founding fathers were “determined to keep the Lizard true to type”. That principle has been upheld to this day.

In order to protect the integrity of the traditional Lizard canary, the LCA recognises only the truebred Lizard. It does not recognise birds that possess alien genes introduced by cross-breeding the Lizard with other breeds or colours. The LCA welcomes new members who appreciate the classic Lizard’s unique qualities, and want to play a part in conserving this ancient breed.

The membership year runs from 1st October to 30th September. Membership subscriptions are £15 per person per annum.

New Member Application form

Click here to download new member application form 

Membership Renewal

The membership year is 1st October to 30th September. Annual subscriptions for 2023/24 are due October 1st. The Subscriptions are £15.

Please make cheque payable to L.C.A. and post to:-
Alex Maclean
25 Atlin Drive,
New Stevenson,

Alternatively you can pay directly into the bank using the following information.

Sort Code 40-21- 28 Account number 01410377

IBAN: GB85 HBUK 4021 280 141 0377

NOTE – In the paying in reference please say what the payment is for.