LCA Rings

Lizard Canary Association rings are Red for 2024 and are supplied to fully paid up L.C.A. members only.  These are available from 1st December onwards. Ring orders will be place with the supplier every two weeks.

Closed Anodised – £4.90 per 10, plus post and packing £1.60 per order.

 I D Colour Coded Rings – £5.20 per 10, plus post and packaging £1.60 per order.  

Split rings – 19 plain colours, £1.80 per 10, plus post and packaging £1.60 per order.

Split rings – 2 colours, £4.90 per 10, plus post and packaging £1.60 per order.

Note  At the May 2019 LCA council meeting ring size was discussed as many members were reporting issues with inconsistent sizing and that the current ‘G’ size was proving too large and requiring chick to be rung late and at a stage that could cause issues with chicks jumping the nest. As a result, for 2020 onwards, we will be moving to the slightly smaller 3.1mm – size ‘E’ rings which should mitigate the issues members have been reporting.

LCA rings and Carophyll order form

Click here to download LCA rings and carophyll order form

Please note; post and packaging for countries outside the UK £4.25 per order.

Please make Chqs/P.O’s payable to; Lizard Canary Association, Please add post and package per order and include a note with your details clearly printed.

Ring Colours for the next few years are as follows:- 2025 – Black and 2026 – Green.

Available from Mr Chris Jordan, 17 Bailey Avenue, Hockley, Tamworth, Staffs. B77 5ND.  Tel: 01827 261049


50 grms £13 inclusive of P&P
100 grms £25 inclusive of P&P

Orders to: Mr Chris Jordan, 17 Bailey Avenue, Hockley, Tamworth, Staffs, B77 5ND.  tel: 01827 261049

Please note that the price for Carophyll Red will only increase if the supplier increases his prices.