PresidentJohn Martin07895 208441East Sussex
ChairmanJeremy Goacher07544 909371Nottinghamshire
Vice Chairman and
Technical Advisor
Huw Evans 0115 9287905 Nottinghamshire
Secretary and Communications
Ian Adcock 07711 191811Berkshire
TreasurerAlex Maclean07831 973412North Lanarkshire
Patronage SecretaryDave Newton 01664 813557 Leicestershire
Trophy StewardTony Horton 07885 371903Buckinghamshire
Rings and Carophyll Secretary Chris Jordan 01827 261049 Staffordshire
Publicity OfficerAndrew BeesleyWest Midlands
Non post holding Council
Andrew Chaney07521 089866Devon
Carlos De Santa Ana07968 299123Wiltshire
Debbie Goacher 07977 335063 Nottinghamshire
Danny Higgins07730 445607Kent
Neville JonesGloucestershire
Daniel RichmondEast Sussex

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