Congratulations to Ray Anthony winner of the 2022 LCA Classic
With an entry of over 200 birds, it was a good call to engage two judges for the show so that all the birds benched could be given the attention that they deserved and were able to display their qualities. Avian flu controls prevented two exhibitors from bringing any of their birds to the show but nevertheless, on the day we had 20 exhibitors showing and an excellent turnout of Classic Lizards. Following the AGM, this year for the first time, we held a silent auction where members could sell some of their surplus stock – something that we will consider doing again for 2023.
The show ran like clockwork with Chris Jordan, (the show manager) and David and Paula Newton as show stewards. Catering was again provided and managed by Noel Sidney with support from Bob Sneddon. A big thank you goes to Noel for all the hard work he put in. And Debbie Goacher did an excellent job running the silent auction and taking charge of the raffle too.
And thank you to Tony Horton and Chris Jordan who both made substantial donations to this year’s substantial prize fund.
We also had a visit from one of our international members – Pino Scalamandrè from Italy along with his son who lives in London. A couple of years ago Pino observed the judging process but this time he assumed the role of photographer and he did an excellent job. The majority of the pictures published here were taken by Pino – many thanks to Pino. Picture of the winners receiving their awards were provided by Andy Beesley
The Classic winner was Novice Ray Anthony with a clear cap gold hen. The hen showed excellent spangles and stayed steady throughout the day. The hen was awarded Best Colour fed, Best clear cap – colour fed, Best Novice and Best Lizard in show. Ray was also claimed 3rd best colour fed Novice with a non-cap gold cock.
To see the full Best in Show results please click here . A full list of all the winners, trophies and specials can be viewed by clicking here. The show report, written by John Record (one of the judges) can be viewed by clicking here
You can also read Huw Evans blog coving the 2022 Classic. Part 1 Click here to read his report and for part 2 click here

Click on the pictures below to view a larger image and read the captions

A selection of Lizard benched at the Classic 2022 (breeders unknown)