Results from the LCA Section of the National at Stafford 2024 – judged by Chris Jordan
Great to see Rob & Ian Wright taking Best Lizard Canary for the 4th consecutive year at the National, we should also not forget that in 2022 their winning Lizard also won Best Canary in show which I believe has only been done once before by Stan Bolton a number of years ago.
Well, done Noel Sidney for Best Natural Lizard and 2nd Best Lizard in show with an excellent Clear cap silver Male with a very clean cap and good ground colour.
Congratulations to Nick Rayson for taking Best Novice Lizard and 3rd Best Lizard at the National, Nicks birds have been improving year after year so it’s always good to see hard work rewarded with success.
What a day for one of our Junior members Toby Ashpole at the National, Toby not only was Best Junior in our section, but he went on to win Best Junior Canary and Best Junior Exhibit, excellent achievement, and congratulations Toby.
Best Champion and Best Lizard Canary for the 4th consecutive year Rob and Ian Wright
Best Novice Lizard Canary Nick Rayson
Best Junior Lizard, Best Junior Canary in the show and Best Junior Exhibit in the show Toby Ashpole.
Best Natural, Best Champion Natural and 2nd Best Lizard Noel Sidney
Best Novice Natural, 2nd Best Natural in show Mick Tiffany.
Well done all.
To see a short video of the Lizards at the National click on this link